Monday, October 29, 2018

Este libro

The book I want to write isn't quite ready to be written. 

It's sitting inside me, causing discomfort from time to time. But it won't speak up just yet. 

My newest coworker published his own memoir last year. 

Yes, it's possible. Now I even know someone who can give me insider tips. 

The part that is daunting is sitting down long enough to write. Taking the time to organize the words, decide which genre to pursue- those are the impediments. 

Then I begin to think, is a book the best format? 

Sometimes I feel that my best writing has been sent out to the world in fragments via personal letters and cards. I reread some of my emails because my love for the person who received them is tangible in the words. 

That may be the path I need to follow. Continuing on with letters, cards, emails, notes, texts, may not bring in much money, but it certainly brightens my day. 


  1. Continue writing the ways that brighten your day and the days of your recipients. When the time comes to do it another way, you'll know it.

  2. You can do it! If you want to. I decided to write a memoir recently too, and so far it's just a bulleted list of memories I want to write about later.
    I've found that if I just start writing, it will shape itself into the form it needs to be in.
