Friday, October 27, 2017

Life Without Internet

When I moved into my apartment, I decided to forego WiFi. I am going on 11 months without personal access to the internet. 
Side note: I sit at a computer all day as part of my profession, so this isn't as big of a sacrifice as it may initially seem. 

It's kind of like working in a doughnut shop all day, eating doughnuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner, then saying that I fast from doughnuts on my personal time. The fast only takes place from 5p-7:30a. Big sacrifice. 

Or maybe it is more like working in a clothing store and saying that I don't shop for clothes on my personal time?

Hmmm...not quite sure what the right analogy is in this situation. 

Maybe it is akin to working at a gym, then being lazy on purpose once I leave for the day?

Being a janitor and failing to clean my house?

Moving on. 

Top Ten Things I Enjoy Doing Without Internet in My Home:

10) Ignoring current events
 9) Reading books
 8) Getting a healthy amount of rest each night
 7) Drawing
 6) Cooking
 5) Juicing an insane amount of apples (okay, that is not a regularly-scheduled activity.)
 4) Going to the library (to look at books and CD's, NOT to use their internet)
 3) Wearing snarky socks
 2) Dancing in my kitchen (the floor is made for it)
 1) Playing my guitar! 

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